
Showing posts from September, 2017

How I spend my day, my routine

7:00 wake up get ready for school, breakfast 8 drop off my sister at her school get myself to school 9school 10 school 11 school 12 school 1 school 2 school 3 schools out 4 run errands, go to gym when I can 5 get home eat something 6 work 7 work 8work 9 maybe work, or spend time at table talking with parents 10 watch tv w the family 11 get in shower ready to sleep 12:00 sleep and repeat

Who I am

   My biggest passion is cutting hair. I really enjoy doing this art because it keeps me busy and I get money out of it as an extra. It all started in elementary when I fell in love with the game. I started by cutting my family's hair such as my dad's. Throughout middle school, my passion just grew and I knew I had to make something out of this.   Cutting hair isn't as easy as it seems. It took me a god while to get to where I'm at skull wise. I went from doing a head in 2 hours plus, to 15 minutes average. I am actually proud to say this because now as an 11th grader I have my own side little business instead of being employed working shifts being told what to do. I'm very thankful for this skill and one day I will graduate barber college and have my own shop.

Danger in CA

i read an article online that we are now closer and closer to "the big one." What this means is that we are going to experience the worst the earthquake ever if it were to happen anytime soon. Due to San Andreas fault, all of California will be impacted. Its economy would suffer greatly. Personally I am scared and worried about this especially with everything going on around the told right now.


Faith - confidence or trust in a person or thing Threshold- the entrance to a house or building. Tarry - to remain or stay, as in a place Resolve - to come to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something) Discern- to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different Martyr-  a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion. Mirth- amusement or laughter Catechism- religious school for young children following religious beliefs Pious- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations. Frenzy- extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement.

16 years ago 9/11

Every year on September 11, we remember those who lost their lives, family, jobs, etc on this day. I think that is crazy how some group of people can do so much damage to a population. I was a couple months old when this attack happened. Crazy to think, but the country will never forget this tragedy.

iPhone X

the iPhone X just released yesterday and it comes with a lot of great feautures. The revolutionary feature is face recognition and the screen is no longer a home button. The sad part s it's going for 1000$


whats next with this weather???

Sunshine one morning rain in the afternoon what is going on with Mother Nature? Lately I've been weirded out with this weather and worried. Especially because of all the disasters going on around the world. Who knows what's next some argue that this is the return of Christ but who knows..

Earth on turtles back

This story made me realize that I do not have to be the "strongest" physically, but I should never lose hope and always believe in Myself. I understand that I am the only one who can change myself and make myself successful.